Saturday, September 27, 2008

NCAA Men's Basketball Season ' 84 extended

JRU extended the series with SBC in Season '82 Men's basketball! This one could have gone either way but the breaks went to JRU particularly with that missed trey of Escobal in the dying seconds.

Escobal tried to be the game's hero by defying an earlier instuction from his coach to drive strong to the basket as JRU was in penalty. Alas , his decision cost his team the game and even perhaps the championhip. Recall that Escobal also did the same thing in the dying seconds of the Mapua game and you guessed it right , they lost that game! This guy has a complex---selfishness! He wants to leave SBC with a big bang before starting his pro career but if SBC gets a 3rd game defeat against JRU , you can bet he is leaving like a poorly prepared 'caldereta'---smelling of urea!

Still we can not take the credit away from JRU for its determination and heads-up play in G3 in contrast to SBC's over confident play---more of 'gigil'!

Game 3 will be war , you can bet on that. So , see you all on Monday !

Again , I am just a kibitzer so you don't have to agree with me. For now, God bless everyone!

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