Friday, September 26, 2008

UAAP Men's Basketball Season '71 Ends

It's all over but the shouting.Or the agonizing ? That depends on which team you supported... for now , it's congrats Blue Eagles and perhaps next time for the others! Green Archers? Accept the defeat with all humility and act like true-blue(?) gentlemen (no pun intended here)!

My La Sallite friends , Ravin, Bert and Quinito will go wild about this basketball defeat but I'm sure they will move on gracefully.Very exciting series though we saw an ugly brand of basketball in the last quarter of Game 2!

Baclao deserves the Finals MVP for his consistent performance- defensively- that is.Tiu once again proved his passion and leadership with his big offensive comeback in Game 2. Rabeh had his usual points in the 3rd Q but Nkemakolam was a revelation with his monstrous inside job in the 1st Q---this guy can sure play in the PBA given a few more seasoning and polishing.The rest of the Blue surely played inspired basketball under Coach Black.

As for Pumaren , welcome back to Earth! What a rude awakening , huh?Accept defeat and be a man! Casio got his points but Maierhofer got caught with his finger(s?) on the cookie jar. Rest of the Green Archers ran out of arrows ...too bad for DLSU its support crew were shooting blanks . This time the Greens got beaten black and blue! To 'Riel of" little conversations over coffee "don't despair.

In toto , it was a great Season '71 for UAAP Basketball. Life goes on ... and see you all in UAAP football and volleyball

Just remember , this blogger is just a sports kibitzer so you don't have to agree with this blog! Have a nice day everyone!

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