Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Gridiron Gang Movie

"One man can make a difference"!

If there's any lesson we can learn from this movie, I think the quote above would be the easiest to cite. This HBO movie tells how probi officer Sean Porter of Kilpatrick juvenile detention center ,played by "the Rock", together with his fellow officer thought of a way to rechannel the violent energies of juvenile inmates of the reform facility into productive behaviors to gain social acceptance and self respect through football!

Via the game of football , the inmates learned how to rechannel negative energy into positive activity. Over time , everyone went beyond hatred , distrust and violence ; and ,learned forgiveness , teamwork , love and above all , found family in each other!

After seeing this movie a couple of times , I begin to realize that this is more than somebody making a difference.True, one man made a difference but what's more importance is the idea that people , particularly the juvenile , need a second chance ! Second chances may be in terms of forgiving a friend for his negligence. Or , maybe a second chance is understanding that your son may have dented your car after hitting or being hit by another vehicle and then allowing him tlo drive it one more time. Still ,a second chance may be for your ex-bf who dated another pretty girl without your knowledge and him not even admitting his misdemeanor. So, a second chance is many more . It's life---reality!Bottom line? We all deserve a second chance! What do you think?

Catch this movie over at HBO ...

As for me? Well I am just a kibitzer and kibitzers do deserve second-chances...

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