Friday, October 24, 2008

Bad News Bears 2005

Can misfits really fit? Or can the underdogs be contenders? Losers become winners? Yes ! Yes! Yes! But forget how they're possible.

To all you seemingly hopeless mortals out there , there is indeed hope but don't ask me how... I say just find a way and pray everything falls into place for the better. You losers may not become champions overnight but you bet being better than where you were before is a lot more acceptable. Ultimately, gaining the admiration of your fellowmen is greater than all the wins or trophies you may collect. The best thing is what you have become as a result of your sacrifices ,hard work and discipline even sans the pennant.


Soon , things will get brighter and better BUT you have to do something about your lousy situation. You have to want to win or be the best in whatever you do bad enough . You've got to be hungrier ! Train harder , be more motivated , get the missing pieces in your team. Stop whining just get better!

Don't just roll over and die. For your sake do something! Walk the extra mile, dude!

Believe !

That is Bad News Bears the movie in gist. MORE IMPORTANTLY THAT'S LIFE!

But then again , who believes a don't believe everything I say!

What can you say Riel of " little conversations over coffee"?

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