Saturday, January 12, 2013

Food Face-Off: Which is Healthier? 1

Food  and Nutrition


Food Face-Off: Which is Healthier? 1

Provided by Prevention

By Amanda Oaklander


White Potato
(baked, unsalted)
Category Sweet Potato
(baked, unsalted)
108 Both are nearly identical in calories 103
2 g …and in protein 2 g
8% …and in carbs! 8%
10% Sweet potatoes start shining in the fiber department. 15%
1.8 g Though they live up to their name with more natural sugar 7.4 g
1% They also come with more calcium. 4%
4% Both are good sources of iron 4%
8% And magnesium. 8%
9% Regular spuds have more phosphorus 6%
18% And more of that famous potato potassium. 16%
0.3% Sweet potatoes have a pinch more sodium. 1.7%
24% But are way higher in vitamin C. 37%
7 mcg Sweet potatoes clobber white with beta carotene. 13,120 mcg
9% Still, white potatoes eke out a win with niacin, aka vitamin B3. 8.5%
11% They also contain much more folate, which powers brain neurotransmitters. 2%
0.2% But sweet potatoes really bring their A game with oodles of vitamin A. 438%
Baked Potato: 6  WINNER: TIESweet Potato: 6

THE BOTTOM LINE: News flash: Both potatoes are good for you! It’s technically a tie, but we love sweet potatoes for their insane amounts of vitamin A and beta-carotene. They may be sweeter, but they’ve got the fiber to make it work.

WHAT TO BUY: Always, always spring for organic potatoes. Conventional potatoes are subjected to multiple rounds of fungicide and herbicide treatments, and you can’t wash all the chemicals off.

JUST SO YOU KNOW: We used the National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference from the USDA. These figures reflect your average white potatoes and sweet potatoes.

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