Monday, December 31, 2012

The Word

Today's Reflections

The Word

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Jn 1:1-18

1In the beginning was the Word,/ and the Word was with God,/ and the Word was God./ 2He was in the beginning with God./ 3All things came to be through him,/ and without him nothing came to be./ What came to be 4through him was life,/ and this life was the light of the human race;/ 5the light shines in the darkness,/ and the darkness has not overcome it./ 9The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world./ 10He was in the world,/ and the world came to be through him,/ but the world did not know him./ 11He came to what was his own,/ but his own people did not accept him./ 12But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, 13who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.
14And the Word became flesh/ and made his dwelling among us,/ and we saw his glory,/ the glory as of the Father’s only Son,/ full of grace and truth. ...


In the beginning. The prologue of John’s Gospel is a re-creation story. It repeats the opening words of Genesis: “In the beginning…” John says that Jesus is the Word through whom all things are created. He is life and light of the human race.
John emphasizes the divinity of Jesus. The Word coexists with the Father since the beginning. Jesus is co-eternal, one in being with the Father. When the Word becomes flesh and makes his dwelling among us, Jesus brings to us the mind, the heart, and the plan of God. The Father works in us through his Son Jesus. Thus, to listen to Jesus is to listen to the Father. To accept and believe in the Son is to accept and believe in the Father.
Jesus is the light that conquers the darkness of sin and evil. He gives life: what comes to be through him is life, and this life is the light of the human race.
The Gospel urges us to accept Jesus that we may become children of God and to testify to him as John has done.
Let us spend this last day of the year in praise and thanksgiving and let us begin the new year with joy and hope in our hearts.

For what has been and will be,
thank you, Lord!

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