Today's Reflections
Blessing of the Children
Mt 19:13-15
13Children were brought to [Jesus] that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, 14but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15After he placed his hands on them, he went away.
Let the children come to me.
For the Jews, children are insignificant and sometimes a nuisance. But
for Jesus, they are role models for discipleship. He welcomes them
anytime and blesses them.
child is considered helpless, powerless, vulnerable. Children depend
upon their parents and elders. We, too, must present ourselves before
God in the same manner. We must accept our limitations and express our
need for God. We must rely on God’s power and providence, for without
God, we are lost, helpless, defenseless.
are normally trustful of their parents, elders, guardians, or older
siblings. They obey them and even imitate them. They are willing to
learn. In the same manner, we, too, must trust God and willingly accept
God’s plans for us. God knows best. We only have to obey God’s
commandments and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We have to learn God’s ways
which include welcoming others to Jesus’ community.
How much of a child are you in the sight of the Lord?
Do you teach the right values to your children?
How do you guide them to fulfill their roles in the community?
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