Today's Journey
Be A Meter Reader
Aug. 20 , 2012
strength for the journey
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or
stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.” Psalm 1:1
you remember how old-time TV shows used to have an applause meter to
gauge audience reactions? A big arrow would spin around the dial to show
how enthusiastic the crowd was—or wasn’t—about what had just happened onstage. It wasn’t particularly scientific, but it provided quick feedback!
I think about how we feel about God’s rules, I wonder if heaven has one
of those meters. Well, not really, but there is one in your heart that
God can read, so let’s talk about it. The arrow on your heart meter
reflects your honest, instinctive response to God’s Word and His laws.
Across the dial are five attitudes that, at any given moment, reflect
how you really react to God’s rules for you.
All the way on the left side of the dial is the word disdain.
Ever feel like God’s rules are oppressive, restrictive barriers to your
pleasure and dreadfully outdated? Then the arrow might just be buried
in the low end of the meter of your heart.
Next up on the dial is the word doubt.
Those of us who wonder if God’s rules are good and for our best will
register in the doubt category. But, be warned, Satan’s oldest tactic
for plunging lives into shame and isolation from a loving God was
planting seeds of doubt about the goodness of God and His Word (Genesis 3:1). Surprisingly, the tactic still works—fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me!
At the center of the dial is duty.
Is obedience to God’s laws a legalistic obligation for you? Something
that you have to do since you are a Christian with a virtual score sheet
of do’s and don’ts that help you keep track of how you’re doing? If you
are externally conformed, but your heart is far from Him and His laws
feel heavy with the only reward being the ugly sin of pride in your own
goodness, then you’re a dutiful but dull law keeper.
Further to the right, the arrow moves to the word devotion.
This is closer to where God wants us to be. Those of us who land here
obey God’s rules out of our love for Him. And while there is nothing
wrong with that and much to be commended for it, there is still another
point on the pleasing God meter that the psalmist urges us to qualify
Which explains why David cranks the arrow on the meter all the way over to the farthest extreme: delight. He writes that the truly blessed person delights in the law of the Lord!
does that mean? Well, the Hebrew term used here actually means to be
“emotionally preoccupied with.” It’s kind of like being in love. It’s
all that you can think about. Other thoughts and conversations get
drowned out by your overwhelming preoccupation.
Imagine what our lives
would look like if we truly became emotionally preoccupied with the
profound goodness of God’s rules.
So, what would it take to move
the arrow of your meter to the delight position? Try spending time
reflecting on the character of the Lawgiver. You have a Father who loves
you, who wants to protect you, and who offers His rules as His loving
way to keep you safe and offer you true freedom from Satan’s deceitful
and destructive ways. And, when you obey His rules and experience the
peace, joy, and cleansing that it brings to your life, you’ll delight
with the psalmist who wrote that God’s rules are “sweeter than honey to
my mouth” (Psalm 119:103)!
a meter reading today, and bury the needle deep in the “delight” end of
the meter.
When you do, heaven’s applause meter may just go off the
charts because of your love for His law!
- Honesty time: How would you characterize your attitude toward God’s law—disdain, doubt, duty, devotion, or delight?
- What changes in your thinking might help move the arrow on your meter further to the right?
- Think of one or two laws of God that you can delight in because you see how they are lovingly in place for your protection. Spend some time thanking God for those laws and delight in them today. It’s a great start!
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