Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Madge Cafe @ LaPaz , Iloilo City Public Market

Madge Cafe @ LaPaz , Iloilo City Public Market

I got this from Flavours Of Iloilo blog.

Undoubtedly , many Ilonggo-coffee lovers are long-time patrons of this popular cafe. The place starts humming at around 6am ( though it's already open by 4 am) with the activity increasing by 7 in the morning until closing time at 7pm.A hit with the customers is either the pure brewed coffee or the coffee with milk which you can order with either their plain or buttered pan de sal or teren-teren. Oftentimes, you'll see politicians of all color , local and of national fame, and even national celebrities dropping by either for a friendly tete-a-tete with constituents or fans,  ,take a cup of coffee,partake of the menu for the day or all of the above...

What's unique in the place is the very accommodating nature of the owners and staff. A warm greeting always welcomes the customer upon his/her entry and there's always a staff available to take your order with smile. What's so interesting is that they will remember your order and ready to serve you upon your next visit! Also , there are times the owners of the cafe will ask for recommended menu so they can prepare it for a future visit.

So, if you happen to visit Iloilo City , try visiting the place at the La Paz Market ! You'll love the experience...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Madge Cafe - Truly an Ilonggo "kapihan"

Where do you go for authentic Ilonggo brewed coffee? To the Ilonggo kapihan. And where do you find such a place? In the public markets of Iloilo.

One of the most popular is Madge Coffee House located inside La Paz Public Market(in front of Grand Dame Hotel). Madge Coffee house is 55 years old. It’s one of the oldest family-run coffee shops in Iloilo.This was established by Mr. Gerardo de la Cruz in 1951.

The name Madge stuck on for Gerardo’s wife assisting him at the kapihan was named Magdalena. He passed on the business to his son, Vicente. With the untimely demise of Vicente in 2002, his son Peter took the reins. With his good marketing background (Peter was actually working as a branch manager for SM Delgado), he introduced innovations to the business.

Peter noticed Madge’s many loyal customers, generations in fact. As a perk and thank you, he made them personalized mugs, each with his loyal patron or suki's name. There are more than a 100 of these personalized mugs now apart from the regular coffee mugs for walk-in customers.

Peter's devotion to his customers can also be gleaned from the way he greets each one, treating each one as family. This warm homey approach at Madge's will be hard to match by any posh cafe in Iloilo.

The interiors of Madge’s Coffee Shop may be a far cry from any of the modern day cafes. No airconditioning; No classy interiors. But you will be won over by the quality of their brew and will perhaps laugh at its cost: P16.00 (less than $1!) for a perfect brew of organically grown beans from the hills of Iloilo.

Besides, part of the charm of the Ilonggo kapihan is precisely its very down to earth ambiance. 

What's so amusing is that every customer or group has a predictable sked. They arrive in shifts. 

The Ilonggo kapihan is a favorite hang-out of men who like to discuss and argue about the country’s latest news and events and gossips too. (Men never admit to that though).

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