Monday, October 5, 2015

9 habits that will make you more of an influence in your business

Today's Life Tips

9 habits that will make you more of an influence in your business

When most people often let outside factors influence them, influential people remain stable and collected, no matter what life throws at them.

These nine behaviors that influential people display over and over again help them both in their professional and personal lives.

1. They form their own opinions

Influential people will never change their opinion or stance based on if it is popular or if trends are changing. They’ll change an opinion if they are provided facts that may support or disprove knowledge that they have previously known, but aren’t swayed by what people think, instead of what they know.

2. They ask the right questions

Influential people will never just settle with things at face-value. They’ll ask, “what if?” and “why not?” By challenging conventional wisdom, they allow for those they come into contact with to also think for themselves.

3. They engage everyone

When influential people speak their thoughts, they tend to start conversations like wildfire. The ripple effect also not only spreads their own ideas, but people around them will explore different ideas and bring about new thoughts to their work.

4. They maintain the right relationships

Making meaningful, lasting connections is something that influential people know will help expand their own knowledge. By adding value to every part of their networks, they can also connect others in their own networks who also can build off one another.

5. They focus on what truly matters

Trivial matters do not take up the time and energy of influential people. They take the time to speak and learn about the important things in life to share with others.

6. They welcome any challenges to their own arguments

When influential people are challenged by those who disagree with their opinions, they do not become aggravated or immediately dismiss these ideas. They open up their minds and reflect on their own opinions to see if the other has valid points or sources of information that contradict their own. They humbly acknowledge if they are mistaken, or point out relevant facts to support their stance.

7. They are opportunists

Influential people don’t wait for exciting new ideas or technologies to just drop into their laps; they are seeking these things out on a daily basis. By wanting to anticipate what might come next, they are intentionally looking for the positive changes making their ways into the world, and they are ready to spread them.

8. They take the time to reflect before making decisions

If they face opposition or criticism, or if they witness someone else making a critical mistake, influential people don’t immediately make a decision or react based on their emotions. Emotions can influence people greatly, so the most influential people make sure that the emotions spread are positive ones.

9. They truly believe in what they do

Influential people aren’t fake. They actually do practice what they preach, for if they didn’t, how would people take them seriously? By believing in their own talents and success, they help others realize their own beliefs in what they do.

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